
Milestones in my life

22 monthsSay 3 nursery rhymes and count to 15 (pip-teen)
19.5 monthssay nursery rhymes - "ring around the roses", "johnny johnny"
19 monthscount 1-10 with some numbers missing!
18.5 monthsform simple phrases like "only ball", "Dada sleep", "baby crying"
14 monthsIdentify and reproduce animal sounds and actions
may 14First steps
apr 12I repeat simple sounds (tata... dudu... etc.)
apr 9I point at things
apr 5First tooth (left canine!)
mar 20Stood up with support (holding the crib rail)
mar 8Learnt relationship between TV and remote!
feb 16I learn to clap
feb 15Full-scale crawling
feb 4Sat up!
dec 3I start to inch forward
nov 26I protest when toys are taken away
nov 21-24First plane, helicopter and canoe rides
nov 14I learn how to razz
oct 20I start playing with my image in the mirror
sep 26Learned to roll back
sep 1Rolled over
aug 28Appetite increase
aug 18First laugh, of sorts
aug 16Slept thru the night
aug 15I reach out for objects
july 31Immunization shots
july 23My first social smile
june 25My first real bath
june 21Umbilical cord falls off
june 13I regain my birth weight
june 6Input/output cycle stable
june 4I come home
may 31I am born