the story of me - numero cinco

Three years old and I'm now a big little boy. I have now moved into my own room. I sleep there in my very own bed with Mickey and Pooh for company. I frequently go for play dates and sleep-overs to my friends' houses.

I still like to watch my favorite shows on TV and make dinosaurs and tall buildings with my Lego set. I like to draw faces, cars and animals (tho' sometimes I can only figure that out after I finish drawing it).

I can play games like "Hide-and-seek" and "I spy" with my friends. I also like to use long words and phrases like actually, never mind and who are we missing here - usually when I play make-believe games with my kids (that's what I call my toys).

News flash! I'm now a big brother as of July 1. Take a look at Raj.

ritwik krishnan
born: May 31, 2000

the fun stuff

last updated : September 9,2003