The Story of Me

name Ritwik Krishnan
born on May 31st 2000, 11:38 PM
weight 12 lbs, 8oz (7,6 at birth)
height 24 inches (19.5 at birth)
eyes Black
hair Yes!


I was born in El Camino hospital, Mountain View, California. Like Caesar, I refused to make the trip thru regular channels and had to be physically evicted by Dr Alan Weber. It was already a week later than the "due" date, whatever that means.

All this, however, is part of an ongoing project called "How to keep parents on the edge of a tightrope for an indeterminate period of time". And I haven't yet begun.

If you ever want to be born, I recommend this hospital. Everyone is nice and competent and the rooms are good.

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Milestones so far

May 31I am born
June 4I come home
June 6Input/Output cycle stable
June 13I regain my birth weight
June 21Umbilical cord falls off
June 25My first real bath
July 23My first social smile
July 31Immunization shots
Aug 15I reach out for objects
Aug 16Slept thru the night
Aug 18First laugh, of sorts
Aug 28Appetite increase
Sep 1Rolled over!
Sep 26Rolled back again!

My footprints