My Photo Album
Small and smaller
Sharang with Gauri Chitti
Isn't Deepti cute?
Cousin Hari and his mom
Cousin Nikhil
Rashmi "Adabus" Raju the fashionable one
With cousin Isha
With cousin Ina
Simi and Minky are my aunts!
With Oindrila and Siddharth
With all my friends
With Kayan at Gymboree
Playing with Nisha
Roughhousing with Pelku
Shreyas is funny!
220 volts X 2
At Shreyas' place
Janitorial service!
Jaunt in Muir woods
Adios, amigo: we shall meet again
With Arjun at Sea World
A sisterly hug from Maitreyi
With my Thane cousins
With the boss in his car
City mouse, country mouse
Bear hug
Water games at Discovery Museum
Masterpieces in creation
Blue and Magenta
Magenta and Blue
With l'il devil, Jackson
With all the other kids
At Tonya's
Group photo!
Dinner with Boltu
With Maitreyi